7 research outputs found

    Ore processing technologies applied to industrial waste decontamination: a case study

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    Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producci贸 i Consum Responsables::12.2 - Per a 2030, assolir la gesti贸 sostenible i l鈥櫭簊 eficient dels recursos naturalsObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::12 - Producci贸 i Consum ResponsablesPostprint (published version

    Metric contrast of thermal 3D models of large industrial facilities obtained by means of low-cost infrared sensors in UAV platforms

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    Monitoring for maintenance or studies of energy efficiency in buildings, large infrastructure, industrial facilities, etc., are common nowadays. These kind of studies are developed with inspections which determine the state of the facilities that are analysed. The difficulty is increased along with the size and complexity of the facility itself, and even more when the attribute to be surveyed is not noticeable or responsive for the human eye. In recent years, a series of techniques that rely on different sensors mounted on UAVs allow detecting problems that are associated with facilities of large dimensions. Almost all of them work in the visible band (RGB), but the generation of thermal 3D models permits detecting any heat anomaly related to the functioning of these facilities. This research proposes a methodology and workflow for the generation and Metric Contrast of Thermal Models (MCTM). This methodology is metrically applied to a mining-industrial facility in which thermal conditions have great influence for a proper functioning. For this metric contrast, several distances have been measured in the field and compared to those obtained from the models. The average difference between the true magnitude and those obtained from the RGB and thermal models are 5 and 31 cm, and their standard deviations are 7 and 29 cm, respectively. The comparison between the RGB and the thermal model provides an average distance between points is 0.19 m, and for 75% of the points the distance is lesser than 0.35 m. Although the RGB model is more accurate, the precision of the thermal model is enough for the objectives se

    Application Methodology for the generation of 3D thermal models using UAV Photogrammety and dual sensors for mining/industrial facilities inspection

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    ABSTRACT: Structural inspection activities are necessary to ensure the correct functioning of infrastructures. UAV techniques have become more popular than traditional techniques. Specifically, UAV Photogrammetry allows time and cost savings. The development of this technology has permitted the use of low-cost thermal sensors in UAVs. The representation of 3D thermal models with this type of equipment is in continuous evolution. The direct processing of thermal images usually leads to errors and inaccurate results. A methodology is proposed for the generation of 3D thermal models using dual sensors, which involves the application of RGB and thermal images in parallel. Hence, the RGB images are used as the basis for the generation of the model geometry, and the thermal images are the source of the surface temperature information that is projected onto the model. Mining/industrial facilities representations that are obtained can be used for inspection activities.The authors wish to express their gratitude to the "Concepci贸n Arenal" Grant Programme of the University of Cantabria and to the Government of Cantabria for the financial support provided for the development of the research activities

    Optimization of Photogrammetric Flights with UAVs for the Metric Virtualization of Archaeological Sites. Application to Juliobriga (Cantabria, Spain)

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    ABSTRACT: Three-dimensional models are required to virtualize heritage sites. In recent years, different techniques that ease their generation have been consolidated, such as photogrammetry with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Nonmetric cameras allow relatively inexpensive data collections. Traditional aerial photogrammetry has established methodologies, but there are not commonly used recommendations for the selection of parameters when working with UAV platforms. This research applies the Taguchi Design of Experiments Method, with four parameters (height of flight, forward and lateral overlaps, and inclination angle of the sensor) and three levels (L9 matrix and nine flights), to determine the set that offers the best metric goodness and, therefore, the most faithful model. The Roman civitas of Juliobriga (Cantabria, North of Spain) was selected for this experiment. The optimal flight results of the average signal-to-noise ratio analysis were height of 15 m, forward and lateral overlaps of 80%, and inclination of 0掳 (nadiral). This research also highlights the noticeable contribution of the inclination in the accuracy of the model with respect to the others, which is 16.4 times higher than that of the less relevant one (height of flight). This leads to propose avoiding inclination angle as a variable, and the sole development of nadiral flights to obtain accurate models

    Explotaci贸n de recursos alternativos para la optimizaci贸n minera, mediambiental y econ贸mica del proceso de producci贸n de clinker

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    En este trabajo de tesis se realiza el an谩lisis de la viabilidad de la sustituci贸n parcial de las materias primas y combustibles tradicionales necesarios en el proceso de fabricaci贸n de clinker (para la posterior obtenci贸n de cemento), por otros recursos de similares caracter铆sticas y mejor comportamiento medioambiental, que contribuyan a un consumo m谩s sostenible de los recursos mineros y energ茅ticos. Las principales materias primas que se utilizan para el clinker son margas, calizas y arcillas, que se obtienen de explotaciones mineras, en su mayor parte a cielo abierto (canteras de 谩ridos y areneros). Respecto al combustible, el tradicionalmente usado es coque de petr贸leo, subproducto de otro recurso natural. Los recursos sustitutivos propuestos, denominados 驴alternativos驴, proceden de residuos y est茅riles de diversos sectores, principalmente del sector minero y del sector industrial. El resultado final demuestra que la valorizaci贸n material y energ茅tica de residuos en los hornos de clinker contribuye a aumentar la sostenibilidad del proceso de producci贸n de cemento, muy intensivo en el consumo de materia prima y energ铆a. Los beneficios medioambientales directos son la explotaci贸n m谩s racional de los recursos mineros (disminuyendo el aporte necesario de los mismos), la disminuci贸n del impacto ambiental de las explotaciones mineras (pues disminuye el impacto visual de las mismas y otros impactos relevantes como las vibraciones, el ruido y el polvo) y la reducci贸n en la emisi贸n de gases de efecto invernadero. Adem谩s, desde el punto de vista del tratamiento de residuos se establece una soluci贸n integral para determinados tipos de residuos mineros e industriales, evitando otras formas de gesti贸n m谩s perjudiciales medioambientalmente, como la incineraci贸n o el vertido controlado. La metodolog铆a empleada comienza con la caracterizaci贸n de posibles recursos alternativos procedentes de residuos asociados al sector minero, industrial y municipal y/o urbano del 谩rea de estudio. En concreto, se han seleccionado para su an谩lisis posterior 18 clases de recursos materiales alternativos (9 de ellos procedentes del sector de la miner铆a y 9 de ellos procedentes del sector industrial), y 9 clases diferentes de combustibles alternativos. Tambi茅n se ha realizado un an谩lisis sobre los efectos que determinados elementos inducen en las caracter铆sticas finales del clinker/cemento que permite a la doctoranda proponer una tabla de valores l铆mite de contenido en ciertos elementos, que se limitar铆an en la corriente de material y combustible que entra al horno de clinker. Para este an谩lisis se han incluido los aportes de los recursos alternativos. Partiendo de las caracter铆sticas y dosificaciones de un clinker normal y otro sulforresistente, se han dise帽ado 32 dosificaciones diferentes, remplazando parte de la materia prima tradicional por recursos alternativos. Paralelamente, se han dise帽ado 36 escenarios de combusti贸n, con mezclas de combustibles tradicionales y alternativos. Todas las dosificaciones y escenarios se analizan desde el punto de vista de su composici贸n qu铆mica conjunta, con el objetivo de asegurar que su uso no produzca ning煤n perjuicio en las diferentes etapas de producci贸n en el horno de clinker, ni tampoco en la calidad del cemento final. Por 煤ltimo, se han efectuado 64 combinaciones diferentes de sustituciones materiales y energ茅ticas que son analizadas desde un punto de vista econ贸mico, medioambiental, y de ahorro de recursos. En el an谩lisis econ贸mico se ha planteado un an谩lisis de sensibilidades que tiene en cuenta el coste medioambiental de las emisiones de CO2 y la puesta en valor que supone la reducci贸n de dichas emisiones. Esto se ha logrado a trav茅s de la valoraci贸n de los derechos de emisi贸n, contemplando precios actuales y la evoluci贸n posible del precio del CO2 en un futuro pr贸ximo. Se proponen las alternativas de sustituci贸n m谩s destacadas y se calculan los ahorros netos anuales. La metodolog铆a se ha validado aplic谩ndola a una planta tipo con caracter铆sticas comunes a la mayor铆a de las actuales (horno de v铆a seca dotado de intercambiador de calor con precalcinador y una producci贸n de 2.000 t/d铆a). Se ha demostrado que las combinaciones 贸ptimas son aquellas que contienen cierto poder calor铆fico residual, (como por ejemplo, el est茅ril de la miner铆a de carb贸n), y aquellas que contienen cal parcial o totalmente descarbonatada. De este modo, se abre un nuevo campo de aplicaci贸n para los est茅riles mineros y se contribuye a alargar la vida 煤til de las explotaciones mineras de rocas industriales

    Ore processing technologies applied to industrial waste decontamination: a case study

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    The correct management of industrial waste, as well as being an environmental obligation, can also be used as an opportunity to reduce costs in terms of energy and raw material consumption. A large amount of waste sand is generated in foundries with a high content of pollutants adhering to its surface structure. In this study, the material utilized consists of a silicic sand that comes from a casting process, with a thin layer of fixed carbon on the surface of the particles. The objective is to remove this contaminant, in order to have clean sands for use in alternative processes, such as in glass raw material, green concrete, or in the recirculation of these in the same process. The mechanical action that is best for eliminating surface attached contaminants is abrasion. In this regard, two specific devices, commonly used in ore processing operations, were utilized to apply energy in a material in order to reach abrasion by attrition, but with different kinetic approaches: stirring in a slurry media and using a light milling, in both cases reducing the grinding media in order to avoid material fracture. The test performance evaluation is mainly focused on the decontamination efficiency, the sand mass recovery ratio, and the energy consumption. The results show that in all cases, liberation is reachable in different levels at different residence times. We were able to decrease the LOI content from 4% to less than 1%, combined with a near 85% recovery rate of clean sand in the case of stirring. In the case of light milling, the results are even better: the final product reached near 0.5% of LOI content, despite mass flow recovery potentially being less than 80%. Finally, we discuss whether energy consumption is the factor which decides the best alternative. The energy consumed ratio when comparing light milling with stirring is near 9:1, which is a significant amount when taking into account the importance of reducing energy consumption in today鈥檚 industry due to its economic and environmental impact

    3D Documentation with TLS of Caliphal Gate (Ceuta, Spain)

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    Three-dimensional surveying with a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) has implied a revolution in the field of 3D modeling, as this methodology provides detailed point-clouds with simplified processes of capture. In addition to the point-clouds, other outputs can be obtained, such as ortho-images, virtual itineraries, 2D cartography, and meshes, which implies a second avenue of multimedia products, such as 3D Portable Document Format (PDF) files and interactive applications. All these options are interesting for the management and broadcast of cultural heritage. The works that have been developed in this research are aimed at setting a workflow for the TLS surveying works and subsequent data management for the generation of a 3D model of the Caliphal Gate of Ceuta, which is considered as one of the most important medieval findings in Spain in recent years, and its immediate surroundings. This model and the different outputs that have been obtained from it allow for the continuation of the historiographic analysis of the complex, while documenting a partial stage in the development of the works of enhancement. In addition to this, these products are not only useful in terms of conservation studies or enhancement, as they are also suitable for the dissemination of the site. Special attention has been set on the paid suitable software for data management while generating the outputs, and for its application by the final users